The Salisbury Gazette has been a part of the lives of Gaboners since the beginning.

We are committed to reporting accurate stories about the things that matter locally and internationally — the highs, the lows, the in-betweens, the laughs and the tears. Our coverage is fearless, and through it we aim to both entertain and inform. We want to be at the forefront of public debate, equipping our readers to make up their own minds.

Editor: Katie Reed

Headquarters: Room C43, Balmoral Castle, Salisbury, Gabon

Contact: by Discord

Editorial Charter

The cornerstone of the Gazette is our readers’ trust. Our journalists report the truth, in full, and do so independently and free from political, social and financial interests.

This editorial charter outlines the values and standards that guide our journalism.

Our articles are:

  • Accurate. We’re forthright and honest. We promptly correct errors, and provide information about these corrections. We’re free of favouritism and bias.
  • Fair. We inform interviewees about the general nature of their interview. We give individuals and organisations a fair opportunity to respond to allegations. We attribute information to its source.
  • Savory. We inform, educate and entertain a diverse readership. We’re willing to innovate and take risks. But we don’t offend or cause harm, unless justified. We don’t encourage prejudice.

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The Gazette reproduces written works under licence from the relevant copyright owner (generally the article author). You must not reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, publish or broadcast the written works, unless you have express written permission from the relevant copyright owner.


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