Following fierce internal government debate, Gabon invites its citizens to determine their future and whether it should be independent from Varkonia.
Again igniting the flames that were started in Gabon’s previous attempt at independence, citizens now have the choice to decide what happens to Gabon.
This follows the Lord High Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor providing Varkonia with notice on 30 September of Gabon’s intention to withdraw from Varkonia.
“Independence has been discussed on and off for numerous times throughout our lovely and valuable tenure with Varkonia”, said the Lord High Chancellor.
“This previously resulted in the infamous Gabonese Civil War.”
“But in our current circumstances, Gobblin and I have formally opened discussions with the Red Duke and the King of Varkonia regarding this matter.”
“Whilst discussions are underway on an exit treaty of some kind regarding XP guild access and establishing a friendship going forward, the question shall be put forward to every citizen of Gabon to make their voice heard in this once-in-a-lifetime vote.”
“I understand this is a lot to suddenly put on everyone’s plate, but due to the treaties in place we are given a limited time scale in with to conduct these matters.”
“I believe the Gabonese people will make the right decision for them and can rest assured no matter the choice made that it will be undertaken by the Gabonese Government with the upmost care and respect for all parties involved.”
The Gazette expects that the poll will be close, but believes a vote in favour of independence is likely.
The results will be announced by the government within 3 days.
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