With political parties and candidates are unveiling their manifestos ahead of the election, we asked candidates some of your questions before the polls open tomorrow.
Following a recent reform, all senators’ positions are up for election. This is only the second time an election has been held after the end of the war, and is the second in as many months.
On the top of everyone’s tongues are three main issues:
- the state of the Varkonian XP industry and its place in the economy
- what the candidates are personally doing in Varkonia
- the future of the Gabon–Varkonia union, following a revelation that incumbent EvilxFish would prefer to abolish the current relationship that is solidified by multiple treaties and replace it with a stronger colonial relationship with Varkonia.
We put these questions to the candidates and present their answers verbatim. We also had a unique chance to hold a one-off interview with the Red Duke, Mickale, whose answers are also presented verbatim.
Mickale - The Red Duke
Although of course not a candidate in this months election, Mickale has graciously accepted an interview to answer the same questions as the candidates so you can compare the leadership of Varkonia with those that are running to serve alongside it.
What is your stance on the Gabon–Varkonia Union? Do you support it as it stands (including provinces’ autonomy) or think it should be changed? If so, in what way?
It’s a fact that the Gabon-Varkonia Union is working extremely well as-is. It’s a very intelligent way to maximize the advantages of being in a union while minimizing the disadvantages through high autonomy. It allows our strengths to truly add to each other, while allowing unique cultures to flourish. Varkonia and Gabon have thrived under the current relationship and the overwhelming number of people I’ve spoken with are happy with it. As such, I see no reason to change it.
What is your opinion on the current state of the XP industry and its role within the economy? How should Varkonia increase income to its treasury?
The XP industry is in the process of being overhauled to account for the changes made in the server updates. As such, production is limited for the time being, but we fully intend to increase that going forward. Fortunately, with peace upon us at last, demand for XP has fallen so the current treasury is more than sufficient to fund state projects. Still, Varkonia can increase its treasury in the long run by increasing XP production, using the tried and tested guild system. Donations are always welcome, and historically wealthy senators and members of government have donated large sums to the treasury in times of need for the betterment of the nation.
What is ONE personal project that you are working on at the moment?
I’m currently working on improving XP infrastructure and transitioning Varkonia from wartime to peacetime. This has been very successful, with the first ever elections for the Senate taking place, and the most productive senate session in Varkonian history in terms of legislation processed per day. There’s much more to do and anyone can help participate by joining the Civil Service. Those who help out will necessarily be enriching themselves and the nation in material, and they will pick up skills and experience that could lead to successful political careers down the road.
Gobblin - Gabon National Party
Although a familiar face in both Varkonian and Gabonese politics, Gobblin has stepped up the electoral campaigning this month, co-founding the GNP with BritishWanderer and producing a flurry of campaign posters. An accomplished and skillful architect and world-builder, Gobblin is an essential part of the Gabonese culture and country.
What is your stance on the Gabon–Varkonia Union? Do you support it as it stands (including provinces’ autonomy) or think it should be changed? If so, in what way?
The union between our two states should be maintained as it is. Gabon, the older of the two states, has been developed independently of Varkonia and has it’s own entirely separate culture and identity. The right to self-governance is a critical part of the agreement between our two states and as part of the Lord’s Council of Gabon I can freely admit that any attempts to reduce Salisbury’s autonomy will be met with stiff resistance and may threaten the union to it’s core. I see the union as an agreement for Varkonia and Gabon to support each other and not as Varkonia dictating Gabon’s state policies.
What is your opinion on the current state of the XP industry and its role within the economy? How should Varkonia increase income to its treasury?
The XP industry is currently in a poor state and is need of desperate attention. Income to the treasury should be increased by first improving the XP farms and then selling XP at state owned shops around the country.
What is ONE personal project that you are working on at the moment?
I have been constructing the Varkonia Civil Service HQ and the Salisbury canal project - which is already housing 4 newfriends.
BritishWanderer - Gabon National Party
BritishWanderer is the Lord High Chancellor of Gabon, and has been elected as the speaker of the Varkonian senate unanimously since the inception of the role. He co-founded the GNP with Gobblin. He was instrumental in the construction of much of Gabon. He also has a dog in real life.
What is your stance on the Gabon–Varkonia Union? Do you support it as it stands (including provinces’ autonomy) or think it should be changed? If so, in what way?
I believe that the current treaty, signed over two years ago, is indisputably functional and vastly beneficial to both sides. It serves both parties in a way that annexation or further integration could not. If any candidate were to suggest otherwise, it would be quite frankly insulting and would lack any respect to the history that led to the union or the immense amount of effort that has been put into Gabon by Gobblin, BritishWanderer and so many other great citizens of Gabon. I would encourage those unsure on the topic to ask questions and learn about the culture and Gabon’s unique situation. If the King approves of the treaty, the Red Duke approves of the treaty and the Gabonese government approve of the treaty, then I believe it is suitable for a lifetime.
What is your opinion on the current state of the XP industry and its role within the economy? How should Varkonia increase income to its treasury?
The XP industry is an integral part of the Varkonian economic system however it has fallen greatly from its height back in 2019. We are no longer hailed as one of the largest and cheapest XP producers and exporters. I think vast improvement and increased funding for bots and sizable farms shall be a vital necessity in the near future in order to regain that title.
What is ONE personal project that you are working on at the moment?
Personally I have been steadfast in increasing and maintaining the population of Varkonia, I have played every day at all sorts of hours in order to encourage growth and activity. I have worked tirelessly alongside Gobblin, constructing new homes and ammenities, all to ensure that new citizens of Salisbury have diamond tools, materials and a new-built home to live in. As well as a decent paying job under the Gabon Government and/or the new Civil Service. Increasing productivity and activity within Gabon and Varkonia is immensely important and I have served diligently as one of the most active senators within this term both in and out of game.
GetSkinny - Independent
GetSkinny is a councillor on the Lord’s Council in Gabon. She has previously been a senator in Varkonia, during the wartime. She wrote all the laws in Gabon, some of which have been adopted in Varkonia. She also wrote the current constitution of Varkonia. She was previously Queen of Gabon, before it transitioned into a republic.
What is your stance on the Gabon–Varkonia Union? Do you support it as it stands (including provinces’ autonomy) or think it should be changed? If so, in what way?
The history of the relationship between Gabon and Varkonia is very illuminating on this issue. Originally, the relationship grew from the Lord High Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor’s attempt to keep Gabon “protected” from the threat of conflict. This purpose was achieved years ago. Necessarily, the original treaty and all treaties negotiated since have included provisions that limit the influence of Varkonia on internal Gaboner politics. But this doesn’t mean that Gabon and Varkonia do not provide value to each other. They do this in other ways.
I support the union in its current state. There is no need to change it in any way as there has never been an issue with its current configuration. It works perfectly.
What is your opinion on the current state of the XP industry and its role within the economy? How should Varkonia increase income to its treasury?
The XP industry has been one of the mainstays of the Varkonian economy — and this is true in Gabon also. But it has not been adequately supported by the government following the war. Given the recent creation of the civil service, now is a perfect time for government intervention in the industry to provide additional stimulus and place Varkonia and Gabon back on the world stage as the first thought for purchasing XP. This will also drive further custom to the businesses in Gabon’s marketplace, helping the economy grow in many aspects.
What is ONE personal project that you are working on at the moment?
Following the Lord’s Council enacting the Electoral (Pandemic Postponement) Amendment Act 2020, I have been working closely with the Chief Medical Officer and the Vice Chancellor to ensure that all buildings in Gabon have been subject to a deep clean and are safe for human access. I hope that we can re-open access to all government buildings in the near term.
S4NTA - Independent
S4NTA is an incumbent senator, having already served not only a first elected term but also 2 years as a senator prior. S4NTA has a wealth of knowledge in regards to warfare, diplomacy and leadership, and these traits have made him popular with a small but loyal subset of voters.
S4NTA refused to comment.
Antonius Jones - Independent
Antonius Jones is an outsider in this senatorial race, hailing from an experience background in statemanship and diplomacy, he was born in the SPQR and is a citizen of Varkonia by royal grant. His campaign has had a tumultuous beginning and critics worry that this’ll discourage voters from his campaign.
What is your stance on the Gabon–Varkonia Union? Do you support it as it stands (including provinces’ autonomy) or think it should be changed? If so, in what way?
No. Gabon is clearly an oppressed minority in need of civil rights, need I say independence. It’s time for the bud to bloom.
What is your opinion on the current state of the XP industry and its role within the economy? How should Varkonia increase income to its treasury?
The XP insist you favors only the privileged few. It’s time for an XP market that benefits all Varkonians.
What is ONE personal project that you are working on at the moment?
Destroying the remnants of NATO.
Seldomshock - Independent
Seldomshock is often remarked as being a steadfast senator, a talented architect and a knowledgable XP producer. A highly valued member of the senate, it is our understanding from talking to voters that Seldomshock is expected to be returned to another term in office.
What is your stance on the Gabon–Varkonia Union? Do you support it as it stands (including provinces’ autonomy) or think it should be changed? If so, in what way?
I support it as it stands, seems to be functional as it is atm. No need to change it imo.
What is your opinion on the current state of the XP industry and its role within the economy? How should Varkonia increase income to its treasury?
The xp industry in varkonia has so much potential, but currently it is under producing. If we could somehow increase the use of the factories, utilities, farms, etc I would be for it entirely.
What is ONE personal project that you are working on at the moment?
Personally I am trying to make the server more active in any capacity I can. From playing consistently, to making a civcraft history podcast in hopes of drawing in new people, to making a civcraft historical amusement park in hopes to drum up activity from old and new players alike. The last one being an in-game project I am devoting a considerable amount of time to.
EvilxFish - Independent
Shaking off the label of newcomer after his previous victory in the last senatorial elections, Evilfish has been quick to amend and implement huge changes within the Varkonian legal and bureacracy system. But this has not been without its controversy inside and outside of the Senate walls.
What is your stance on the Gabon–Varkonia Union? Do you support it as it stands (including provinces’ autonomy) or think it should be changed? If so, in what way?
Whereas I have no intention of changing the status quo on this issue as I have other focuses if I am elected again, I would support certain changes that brought closer unity between the provinces and Varkonia that doesn’t remove the identity of the provinces. To be more specific I would support a motion to cause all laws that would impact the nation as a whole to be adopted automatically by the provinces but would want a second house with the power to veto senate decisions composed of officials from the various provinces to balance this. Think of it as a EU style relationship between the provinces. If one province refuses to adopt a certain tax for instance and gains a competitive advantage over others as a consequence this is unfair and may serve to harm the other provinces economies. But also say for example Gabon didn’t adopt the recent civil service act, then what? Can the civil service work in Gabon territory, if no well who owns the rail lines connecting to territories not in Gabon? Can Gaboneese citizens become employees or department heads in this scenario? All these problems are mitigated if Gabon adopts that act by default as it applies to the whole of Varkonia. Naturally not all laws fullfill this condition and the Varkonian senate may pass bills that impact a smaller subsection of controlled territory (for example legislation pertaining to XP farms owned by the central government need not apply to those owned by the local Gabon government). Of course on top of the laws passed by the senate each province would continue to legislate locally as well and each province should be allowed to introduce additional regulations/taxes/etc as they see fit. We are stronger together, united and ensuring a seemless relationship between the provinces is very important.
What is your opinion on the current state of the XP industry and its role within the economy? How should Varkonia increase income to its treasury?
The XP industry is vital the lifeblood of the Varkonian economy. My opinions on the status quo should be clear from the bill I sponsored in the senate to reform it. The XP market as it stands is a very closed one, with it being managed over discord rather than in game, with a few players running bots whilst the rest are unable to engage effectively. During the war my company supplied a large quantity of glass bottles but these transactions were always handled by throwing items on the ground to another player who then entered them into the XP market on my behalf. This needs to change… The XP market should be publicly accessible in game with the discord method being shut down. I also support the introduction of taxes on XP farm usage be they private or state owned, this way players who are not running bots may still be engaged and earn an income through organizations like the civil service and the Varkonian treasurary may grow. Additionally Varkonia can (as I believe it is doing) continue to purchase components for an XP run in a manner such that they always profit from one. With the establishment of the civil service we can expect more and larger XP farms to appear and either the tax or the aforementioned purchasing plan can ensure an effective method for the Varkonian treasury to grow and that the wealth we gain is gained not just by XP farmers but also players from all walks of life.
What is ONE personal project that you are working on at the moment?
By personal project I assume you mean not related to the senate. The shadowwyn trading company is, with generous help from the authorities in Gabon, begun the construction of a very large XP exchange in Gabon station. You may have seen the construction site down there. This XP exchange will buy and sell every item used in all XP recipes and use the 5 chest method. That’s right, 5 chest shops per item with different rates to allow prices to more organically change as supply/demand changes. It is hoped this exchange will attract players from all over the world and the company will try its best to ensure the chest shops remain stocked. We are short on obsidian but once we acquire that all we have to do is finish the interior (and put a roof on) then caclulate the range of prices the 5 chest method will cover for each item. We believe the company has enough wealth to stock the chests adequately but And this is just the start as we have other even larger projects we are working on as well but you did say just one!
Droid - Independent
Droid is a newcomer in this race, although he has a history with Varkonia going back multiple years he is yet to hold a government position. In our talks with voters it appears that Droid is popular with those looking for a fresh face within the Senate.
What is your stance on the Gabon–Varkonia Union? Do you support it as it stands (including provinces’ autonomy) or think it should be changed? If so, in what way?
Gabon should remain autonomous as apart of varkonia. its a good system that doesnt need changing
What is your opinion on the current state of the XP industry and its role within the economy? How should Varkonia increase income to its treasury?
xp production has gone down with activity. more activity means more xp
What is ONE personal project that you are working on at the moment?
i am currently transitioning living in a new country irl so my in game activity is at a low but i have had ambitions to make a witcher themed commune when i am able to, but that is onholding
Do you have a question about what the election could mean for key issues? It could be something you’ve wondered about the vote or an important matter you want your senator to tackle. Sumbit your questions to the Gazette for a chance to feature in future articles.
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