A war has begun, but the belligerents are not who you would expect. The Grand Price has declared war against her own Assembly, and Varkonian forces have been rallied by the Red Duke.
Yesterday, the Grand Prince sought permission to declare independence from Varkonia. But the Assembly said no. Then earlier today, the Grand Prince actually tried to declare independence. But the Assembly again said no.
Now, the Grand Prince has dissolved the membership of the Assembly and declared the transition of the government into the Independent Principality of Gabon. She has also sought to reinstate the royal family, and is self-titling herself again as The Queen of Gabon.
Acting as the only member of government, the Grand Prince has unilaterally passed the Security of Gabon Act 2018 and declared war upon Varkonia and Hjaltland.
The purpose of declaring war on Hjaltland remains unclear.
Government officials forced to take sides
Many government officials up until now have sought to remain impartial. But these attempts have been clearly destroyed by the declaration of war.
The Gazette understands that several former Assembly members have rallied behind BritishWanderer, who has reached out diplomatically to Varkonia and Hjaltland for support. It is expected that members of this makeshift alliance will rally together to carry out a coup d’état against the Grand Prince.
The Office of the Red Duke, when asked for comment, said that a force of Varkonian soldiers has been ordered to enter Gabon and seize control of the city of Salisbury.
“We expect a decisive victory, and think we will have control of the city within hours,” a spokesperson said.
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